scientific research and production company
analytical systems

ASYS analyzers

The analysis of different components in process gases.

The analysis of different components in flue and process gases directly mounted in the technological process (in-situ).

ASYS PRO gas analyzers are designed for automatic control of the volume fraction of H2S, SO2, NH3, CO2, CxHy in sample gas. Gas analyzers are used to monitor crude and process gases of elementary sulfur production units (Claus units) at petrochemical enterprises, oil refining, gas processing, metallurgical and other industries.

- H2S, NH3, CO2, CxHy continuous monitoring in amine acid gas;
- H2S, NH3 continuous monitoring in acid water vaporized gas;
- H2S continuous monitoring in tail gas treatment units;
- H2S continuous monitoring in the blown air above the liquid sulfur layer in the degassing pit;

- Continuous emission monitoring;
- Ambient air monitoring;
- Clean room’s HVAC control.

- Process gas analysis;
- Natural gas quality measurement;
- Various test stands and chambers gaseous components supervision

- Natural and petroleum gas quality measurement;
- Hydrogen purity control;
- Gas traces control in hydrocarbons production processes

Gas analyzers ASYS PRO are designed to automatically control the volume fraction of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) in process gases. Gas analyzers are used to monitor the mentioned above components in sulfur recovery units (Claus units) and sulfur pits at the petrochemical, oil refining, gas processing, metallurgical and other industries.
- Measurement of H2S and SO2 content in tail gas;
- Calculation of air demand (over/under) in elemental sulfur plants (excess air ratio in sulfur treatment plants, Claus principle).

The ASYS ION analyzer is designed to detect different type of hydrocarbons in aqueous samples.
- Steam condensate and cooling water control
- Possibility to detect near all type of volatile hydrocarbons
- Different detectors for multiple applications
- Highly effective sample conditioning system for extremely dirty samples