scientific research and production company
analytical systems
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Scientific Production Company Analytical Systems (NPP ASYS, LLC) is a constantly developing company focused on the production of process analyzers of gases and liquids such as ASYS PRO, ASYS ECO, ASYS ION and integrated solutions for environmental and industrial markets.

NPP ASYS, LLC is the only manufacturer of several types of specialized analyzers in Russia:
- Analyzers of petroleum products in water (monitoring of explosion and fire hazardous and toxic substances in cooling water) based on flame ionization detector (FID) and photo ionization detector (PID) - ASYS ION analyzer;
- Gas analyzers for automatic control of the volume fraction of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) in the tail gases of elementary sulfur recovery units (sulfur purification units based on the Claus process) - ASYS PRO analyzer;

The company also focused on the development of environmental monitoring of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and the monitoring of wastewater processes. The CEMs model ASYS ECO CONTROL is specially designed for equipment at industrial companies and takes all existing regulatory and legal aspects of the installation of automatic systems.

Our company takes an active part in the development of the metrological and regulatory framework of our country, we are a full member of the TRG 22.1 BAT Bureau, as well as a member of the Association of Manufacturers of Automatic Measuring Systems (APAIS), regularly participate in meetings and conferences.

We permanently apply the best world developments and knowledges in the field of engineering and own developments and experience in our analyzers and analytical systems.

If you need an expert solution in the field of process analysis, we are always happy to support you!